- 3
Error in TEditView "Java.lang.index.outofboundsexception: setspan (3 ... 3) ends beyond lenght 0
#67 opened by samuelsoarees - 7
- 9
TTextView 设置滚动条后,内容显示不全
#23 opened by jonahzheng - 1
#66 opened by wfymqj - 0
#65 opened by wfymqj - 1
- 2
- 1
#61 opened by mrsalimi01 - 8
- 7
Memory Leak On TToastManager In Delphi 11.3.1
#59 opened by stackerliew - 1
- 2
Is FMXUi "Active"
#45 opened by rhazell-numze - 1
TListViewEx + FontSize
#54 opened by kazuser - 6
- 3
TDialogBuilder -> SetItems -> FontSize Items
#52 opened by marlonnardi - 2
TEditView -> ControlType = Plataform ?
#53 opened by marlonnardi - 1
#57 opened by wr960204 - 1
Set ImageIndex to ItemDefault on TEditView
#56 opened by p3rf1 - 3
#51 opened by moyaoo - 6
#41 opened by akai1203 - 2
- 4
- 7
- 0
ListViewEx + ItemHovered
#40 opened by kazuser - 5
- 1
ListViewEx + KeyEvents
#37 opened by kazuser - 2
ListViewEx + Headers/Sections + Index
#38 opened by kazuser - 1
ListViewEx + FastScroll
#39 opened by kazuser - 1
- 1
ListViewEx + ScrollAnimation
#35 opened by kazuser - 2
- 5
TListViewEx can still be pulled even if EnablePullRefresh and EnablePullLoad are set to False
#32 opened by helgovic - 2
- 3
#24 opened by jonahzheng - 1
- 9
Right To Left TTextView
#27 opened by engineer21 - 6
How to stop the items animation when scrolling the TListViewEx put on a TPopup
#28 opened by GaNacereddine - 0
ListviewEx Search-filter Method ?
#9 opened by atilim07 - 0
#25 opened by jonahzheng - 0
Action gestures
#20 opened by jpieniaszek - 4
#19 opened by sdokowe - 7
- 5
Get Value From Target Frame
#5 opened by yuskamal - 2
Get value from Frame after to use FINISH.
#18 opened by andrecampestre - 3
TextView tutorial
#17 opened by andrecampestre - 6
Hint(Toast) doen't work's (Delphi 10.3.1)
#16 opened by andrecampestre - 1
- 2
TVertScrollView update Text PullLoad
#10 opened by marlonnardi - 2
Bug TEditView - Password True
#6 opened by marlonnardi - 1
uFrameDateView.pas 乱码
#3 opened by NYWONG