Replication Artifact

Artifact package for our paper. This repository includes our data and results.

Tips: The `Anonymous GitHub` doesn't seem to support the display of online CSV format, 
you can download these files for a better view!


  1. Data collection (<2024.01.01): 329 issues and 439 posts
  • GitHub data: dataset/gh_issues.csv
    • 329 issues
  • Stack Overflow data: dataset/so_posts.csv
    • 430 posts
  • Docker Forum data: dataset/df_posts.csv
    • 9 posts
  1. Results:
  • results/rq1_results.csv: classification results for RQ1
    • 124 posts
  • results/rq2_results.csv: classification results for RQ2
    • 474 DBFs
  • results/rq3_results.csv: classification results for RQ3
    • 474 DBFs
  • results/rq4_results.csv: classification results for RQ4
    • 420 DBFs
  • results/extra_results.csv: classification results for the representativeness analysis
    • 52 DBFs