
cuda implementation of CBOW model (word2vec)

MIT LicenseMIT


cuda implementation of CBOW model


  • parallel speedup with Nvidia GPU
  • requires constant memory for arbitrarily large training set
  • stream implementation requires no training data random access
  • automatic validation and display validation data negative loglikelihood during training
  • support custom word binary tree construction. improve model performance with your own binary tree constructed from any other unsupervised model

Updates 0.1

  • optimize GPU memory IO efficiency exploiting locality
  • optimize memory performance with cuda texture
  • optimize disk to memory IO efficiency and save parsing overhead with binary preprocessing of training data
  • back propagation gradient-check test completed
  • implement automatic cuda memory management utilities to manage GPU resource


  • cuda 5.5
  • cuda Thrust
  • nvcc compiler
  • 1GB or more GPU memory ( 2GB+ is recommended)


  • Linux: if nvcc command is available, compile with makefile
  • Windows: compile the source file manually with -arch=compute_30 and -code=sm_30
  • Source Files: language_network_main.cu language_network_utility.cu language_network_kernel.cu includes/optParser/getopt_pp.cpp

Input Format

  • corpus should be preprocessed into a text file with each line a document.
  • words in document should be convert into ints by any bijective mapping M [1-V] <-> vocabulary (store separtely as a convertable)
  • Store word binary tree in two files: tree_point and tree_code.
  • line N of tree_point should be a path through internal nodes from root to leaf word-N.
  • line N of tree_code should be a binary sequence cooresponding to the navigation of the above path (from root to leaf-N)
  • each word id n must have a code line and a point line in the tree files
  • a java implementation of huffman tree file constructor is provided, use if new tree construction is not needed


command line options:

  • --train path to training data
  • --code path to tree_code data
  • --point path to tree_point data
  • --pFeature saving path of tree point feature
  • --wFeature saving path of word feature
  • --batch training batch size (length of corpus segment by words, use suitable batch size that fits in your GPU memory)
  • --vRatio validation ratio ( integral value, validation will be performed after every vRatio training batch)
  • --iter iterations of the training pass through training data
  • --learningRate constant leanrning rate
  • --binaryTraining cache path for binary preprocessing of the training set( delete manually after training)
  • --binaryWindow cache path for random windows data (delete manually after training)
  • --vocabSize vocabulary size
  • --treeSize size of inernal nodes of the binary tree

Typedefs and Numerical Issues

all types are found in src/includes/language_network_typedefs.h, modify if needed

Benchmarks and Profiling

coming soon