
Post-processing of electron-phonon coupling calculations from Abinit

Primary LanguagePython


Python module to analyze electron-phonon related quantities from ABINIT.


Simply issue

>$ python setup.py install

This should install the module somewhere in your $PYTHONPATH and the script "ElectronPhononCoupling/scripts/pp-temperature" in your $PATH


  • numpy >= 1.8.1
  • mpi4py >= 2.0.0
  • netCDF4 >= 1.2.1


Interactive usage:

>$ electron-phonon-coupling

or in parallel, e.g.:

>$ mpirun -n 4 electron-phonon-coupling

As a python module:

from ElectronPhononCoupling import compute_epc


You can run a python script that calls the function 'compute_epc' in serial or in parallel with e.g.:

mpirun -n 4 python my_script.py

See the examples in ElectronPhononCoupling/data/inputs_for_tests/ for how to use this module. The generation of the data with Abinit is explained in the input file located in ElectronPhononCoupling/data/data_LiF/.