🌃 C finel project - Movie maker

📕 Description

This project is a called "Movie maker" and basicly its a gif maker that is implmented in the shell with C language. It is my first BIG project in C language fot Magsimim program.

📝 Instructions

When you run the program you will get a menu with 2 options:

  1. create a new project
  2. load an existing project

⬆️ if you choose to load an existing project you will need to enter the file path of the project you want to load. Then you will be directed to the main menu of the program.

⬇️ if you choose to create a new project you will be directed to the main menu of the program.

In the main menu you will get 9 options:

  1. add frame - you will be asked to enter the path, the duration and the name of the frame you want to add.
  2. delete frame - you will be asked to enter the name of the frame you want to delete.
  3. change frame index - you will be asked to enter the name of the frame you want to change and the new index of the frame.
  4. change frame duration - you will be asked to enter the name of the frame you want to change and the new duration of the frame.
  5. change all frames duration - you will be asked to enter the new duration of all the frames.
  6. show project - you will see all the frames in the project with name duration and path.
  7. play - with openCV you will see the gif you created.
  8. save - you will be asked to enter the path you want to save the project in.
  9. exit - you will exit the program.