
A utility to run codeless visual validations using Applitools

Primary LanguageJava

Web-Tester Download

Web-Tester is a Cli standalone tool to perform visual validation tests using Selenium and Applitools without coding.

If you don't have your Applitools account yet, please sign up first at https://applitools.com/sign-up/ and get your Applitools api-key that will be used next to execute the tests.

The tool supports three general modes:

  1. Single - Validate single page based on provided url.
  2. Interactive - Opens browser session to validated on demand, what's currently displayed.
  3. Iterative - Automatically validate list of urls provided in sitemap.xml format.
  4. Passive - Hooks on existing selenium session and performs single validation on current page.

To run in each one of the mode see the following sections. Note that the Web-Tester was built in Java so every cli command should start with

Java -jar WebTester.jar [mode] [mode specific parametes...]

1. Single mode

Made to easily validate single url without user intervention.

For example:

Java -jar WebTester.jar Single -k [API_KEY] -pu https://applitools.com/resources

  • Required parametes:
    • -k [api-key] , Applitools api key
    • -pu [url] , Page url to validate
  • Optional paramaeters:
    • -tn [name], Test name, otherwise will be derived from page-url
    • -id [Session-id] , Selenium session id to connect to. To hook on existing selenium session instead of starting a new one.
    • More optional parameters can be found in "Shared parameters in all modes" section

2. Interactive mode

Provides on demand method to validate screenshot while performing manual testing. Once executed, the tool will open the browser and wait for test/step name from the user, which will trigger a visual validation of what's currently displayed. The user will be able to drive the test and use Applitools at any point to visually validate the page currently displayed. The tool will continue to prompt for the next screens until the exit character ('~') is inserted.

Java -jar WebTester.jar Interactive -k [API_KEY] -ba MyBatch

  • Required parametes:
    • -k [api-key] , Applitools api key
    • -ba [name] , Batch name to aggregate all the tests
    • -st , Use single test for all on-demand steps
  • Optional parameters:
    • -tn [name] , Test name, if -st is set
    • -id [Session-id] , Selenium session id to connect to. To hook on existing selenium session instead of starting a new one.
    • More optional parameters can be found in "Shared parameters in all modes" section

3. Iterative mode

Iterates over a defined set of urls automatically

Java -jar WebTester.jar Iterate -k [API-KEY] -lo https://applitools.com/sitemap.xml

  • Required parametes:
    • -k [api-key] , Applitools api key
    • -lo [url] , The url to sitemap.xml file. Note that local path can be specified using the following syntax: file:///Users/yanir/mySitemaps/sitemap.xml
  • Optional parameters:
    • -id [Session-id] , Selenium session id to connect to. To hook on existing selenium session instead of starting a new one.
    • More optional parameters can be found in "Shared parameters in all modes" section

4. Passive mode

Assumed that selenium session is already started elsewhere, this mode can hook on an existing session and perform validation on the current page of the browser.

Java -jar WebTester.jar Passive -k [API-KEY] -id [Selenium-Session-Id]

  • Required parametes:
    • -k [api-key] , Applitools api key
    • -id [Session-id] , To hook on existing selenium session instead of starting a new one.
  • Optional parameters:
    • -tn [name] , Test name, default: page address

Parameters applicable in all modes

  • -br [browser] - Set the browser to be used
  • -vs [width x height] - View port size to be achieved before validation
  • -ba [name] - Batch name (To override automatic assignment of batch-id, use name:id when id is any unique string)
  • -px [url] - Proxy url for Applitools communication, for example: http://proxy.myorg.com:8080
  • -ml [match-level] - Match level, one of Strict, Layout, Layout2 or Content. Default: Strict
  • -se [url] - Selenium server/grid url
  • -an [name] - Application name
  • -bn [name] - Baseline environment name
  • -brn [name] - Branch name
  • -pbn [name] - Parent branch name
  • -ct [tob:bottom:left:right] - Cut provider, avoid the specified amount of pixels from the bound of the screen. IE, 100 pixels from the top will be given as -ct 100:0:0:0
  • -as [url] - Applitools server url
  • -df - Disable full page screenshot, will capture only the visible area of the page
  • -us - Use alternative method of scrolling when taking the screenshot
  • -sb - Show scrollbars, in some cases will capture the scrollbars as part of the screenshot
  • -wb [seconds] - Set wait before screenshot, will put sleep between scrolling and taking segment screenshot
  • -cf [path] - Custom desired capabilities file
  • -sr [numeric-ratio] - Overrides automatic ratio for troubleshooting and special cases.
  • -iw [seconds] - Specify custom implicit-wait for Seleium
  • -lw [seconds] - Specify custom page load timeout or Selenium

Other use cases

Running Appium iOS mobile iterative test on Saucelabs

Java -jar WebTester.jar Iterate -k [API-KEY] -lo https://applitools.com/sitemap.xml -cf iphone7_sauce.json -se http://USERNAME:ACCESSKEY@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub -ct 65:0:0:0

provided that the content of 'iphone7_sauce.json' is:

    "deviceName": "iPhone 7 Simulator",
    "platformVersion": "10.0",
    "platformName": "iOS",
    "browserName": "Safari"

Note: passing -ct 65:0:0:0 argument will avoid 65 pixels from the top of the screen which are the status and the address bar of iPhone.

Running Chrome emulation - Emulated devices in Desktop chrome

Java -jar WebTester.jar Single -k [API-KEY] -pu http://www.applitools.com/ -br Chrome -cf mobile_emulation.json -sr 1"

provided that the content of 'mobile_emulation.json' is:

  "browserName": "chrome",
  "chromeOptions": {
    "mobileEmulation": {
      "deviceName": "Google Nexus 5"
  "version": "",
  "platform": "ANY"

Performing custom JavaScript code before validations

The WebTester supports execution of custom JavaScript code before every checkpoint.
The tool expects for a file named 'execute_before_step.js' to be found in the execution folder.
The file can contain any JavaScript syntax supported by the client web-page.

Note that in most of the cases the logic will have to wait for elements to load before actually invoking the actions on them.


The integration with the different browsers is based on Selenium. To support local executions, the apropriate "driver" should be unzipped and placed on the same folder of the jar or to be pointed in the PATH variable.