
alt text

User-Guide :

This project is part of final academic project at SCE - Shamoon College of Engineering.


system requirements:

Clone this repository by the following command:

git clone

install all project dependencies by the following command:

python pip insall -r requirments.txt

Project Structure

The tree below displays the main files and folders structure.

├── docs                                // docs folder
├── src                                 // source code libary
|   ├── modules                         // modules folder
|   ├── providers                       // providers folder
|   ├──                // application configuration
├── tests                               
|   ├── unit                            // unit test folder
|   ├── feature                         // feature test folder
|   ├── integration                     // integration test folder
├──                             // main file
├── requirements.txt                    // Project requirements - installation by python pip.
├── .gitignore                          // Files to not track in git.