A standard Tic-Tac-Toe game is played on a 3 × 3 grid by 2 players named Player 1 and Player 2 (where Player 1 always moves first). During gameplay, players take alternating turns in which they claim a cell by filling it with their assigned character (i.e., O or X). Player 1 is always O and Player 2 is always X. The first character to claim 3 cells that fall in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line wins.
Build a Tic-Tac-Toe app using React Native with the following functionality:
The game ends under either of the following circumstances:
- A player wins by claiming 3 cells that fall in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line.
- The players tie if there are no more possible moves (i.e., all cells are claimed).
It must have a button at the bottom of the screen whose function is to start a new game. If no game is currently in progress, this button must be labeled Start New Game (Figures 1 and 3); if there is a game in progress, this button must be labeled Restart Game (Figure 2). When the app is opened, it must be in the state demonstrated by Figure 1.
When the game ends, display the result in the text box immediately above the Start New Game button (Figure 3):
- If Player 1 wins, display Player 1 Wins.
- If Player 2 wins, display Player 2 Wins.
- If the players tie, display It's a Tie.
In the right corner of the top bar, display the number of games thus user finished.
- When finishing 5 games, show message on the screen (alert or a toast)
- This number should be kept if the user finishes the app and start it again
If the user clicks on the Restart Game, a dialog box should appear with the message: Do you want to restart the game?.
- If the user clicks OK, a new game starts. This means the game board reverts its initial state and all claimed cells are cleared.
- If the user clicks CANCEL, the dialog box closes and the current game resumes.
You can use this (image)[https://jcrastelli.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/tictactoe.png] as reference for your app appearance, but feel free for upgrade app style and usability, but dont forget our features 😄
You can fork this project or download it. When you finish this test just reply the email we sent you with the repository link. Thanks and good luck! 👍