
Solving tic-tac-toe using deep reinforcement learning

Primary LanguagePython

Implement tic-tac-toe using deep q network. The agent learns both the rules and the strategy of the game from experience. To force the agent to learn the rules, I apply a heavy penalty for cheating ( placing a move on an illegal spot )

  • game.py: implement a simple tic tac toe game environment
  • train.py: driver for gathering experiences and training
  • rl/deep_q_network.py: implementation for deep q network

Network Architecture:

A simple feedforward two hidden layer network

Reward Structure:

  • Won: 100
  • Draw: 10
  • Lost: -1
  • Cheating (placing a move on a taken spot): -10

Future rewards are discounted

Training Parameters

  • Initial exploration epsilon: 0.6
  • Final exploration epsilon: 0.1
  • Discount factor: 0.8
  • Regularization strength: 0.01
  • Target network update rate: 0.01


The following shows the average reward from last 100 games that have been played over a training period of about 180k games. Orange is when the agent plays against a random player. Yellow is when the agent plays against a near-optimal strategy player. In both cases, the agent always makes the first move

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