
Tables linked by country, community/state, province, locations. Currently only Spain, database updated until December 2022, which includes the latest territorial updates. This structure is ready to be imported into MySql

MIT LicenseMIT

MIT License

LINKED TABLES (country, community/state, province, municipalities)

Tables linked by country, community/state, province, locations. Currently only Spain, database updated until December 2022, which includes the latest territorial updates. This structure is ready to be imported into MySql

Stuctuct Tables

TABLE app_countries (COUNTRIES)

id tinyint(4) Autonumber unique identifier
title varchar(100) Name of the country

TABLE app_states (STATES)

id tinyint(4) Autonumber unique identifier
title varchar(100) Name of the state
country_id tinyint(4) idLink country-state

TABLE app_locations (LOCATIONS)

id tinyint(4) Autonumber unique identifier
title varchar(100) Name of the location
states_id tinyint(4) idLink state-location

Getting Started

If you haven´t database create, you must create database before of import the scripts

Import the database in the order exactly indiqued and country seleccioned /scr/getting-start/

  1. app_countries.sql
  2. app_ccaa.sql
  3. app_states.sql
  4. app_locations.sql

Now, Select your country in src/ and import in the database in the order exactly

  1. app_countries.sql
  2. app_ccaa.sql
  3. app_states.sql
  4. app_locations.sql

Countries Availables

src/spain --> Spain src/eeuu --> United States


Exec sql for view results after insert rows

SELECT loc.title AS 'Location',st.title AS 'State', cc.title AS 'CCAA', co.title AS 'Country' FROM app_locations loc LEFT JOIN app_states st ON st.id = loc. states_id LEFT JOIN app_ccaa cc ON cc.id = st.ccaa_id LEFT JOIN app_countries co ON co.id = st.country_id ORDER BY loc.id DESC

## Autor --- Alejandro Estévez (Yanker)


Built With

My Skills


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


History of updates in changelog

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