
Take notes in the web browser, Node.js + Express

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Demo: https://pacific-sierra-87761.herokuapp.com/notes


Application that writes, saves, and deletes notes. This application uses an Express backend and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file using the fs module.

  • GET * - Return the index.html file
  • GET /notes - Returns the notes.html file
  • GET /api/notes - Return all saved notes as JSON.
  • POST /api/notes -Recieves a new note, adds it to the db.json file, and then returns the new note to the client.
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id - The id of a note to delete

User Story

AS A user, I want to be able to write and save notes

I WANT to be able to delete notes I've written before

SO THAT I can organize my thoughts and keep track of tasks I need to complete

Business Context

For users that need to keep track of a lot of information, it's easy to forget or be unable to recall something important. Being able to take persistent notes allows users to have written information available when needed.

NPM Dependencies

  • express npm version
  • axios npm version
  • body-parser npm version
  • fs npm version
  • path npm version