
This is a scrum camera utilities to accommodate different types of camera sensors. This tool provides universal CLI to operate camera sensor read, write, burn, dump, etc.

Primary LanguageC++

Camera Warrior

author: Yank li


This is a scrum camera utilities to accommodate different types of camera sensors. This tool provides universal CLI to operate camera sensors read, write, burn, dump, etc.

  1. [Camera Discovering Ways]
1.) Enumerate all devices with I2C address from 0 t0 127 automatically.
2.) Load devices from specific board config file, which is indicated
    by board name in /etcc/zm_board_name.
3.) User set camera device with channel, i2c, and type by force.

for method 1. and 2., CameraWarrior need to invoke a shell script, usually
named  bin/xxx_verify.sh, to evaluate whether current device is a xxx camera.
The standard output characters of script will be treated as a match score.
a larger positive number means a closer match than a less value. 0 means
i2c dev found but not a known camera type, vice versa, minus value means
even i2c dev not found.

    the environment variable ZCAMPATH will affect the configuration file
    search path.
  1. [Usage]
1.) Commandline mode. severals soft links to camera_warrior constitutes the
    util bundile.

├── camera_warrior
├── flashburn -> camera_warrior
├── flashdump -> camera_warrior
├── flashreg -> camera_warrior
├── ispreg -> camera_warrior
├── zcu -> camera_warriorer
└── zcv -> camera_warrior

commands plus a option parameter can be handled.

xx -l <loglevel>
    log level setting.

xx -b <bus>
    set the i2c bus id to enumerate by force

xx -s ch,i2cbus,i2cslave,camera_name
    set the device on channel <ch> manually.

2.) User app can also make use of this utility by linking against
    libzcam.so. APIs provided:

    int ZAPI zcam_detect_on_board(int bus);
    void ZAPI zcam_release_all(void);
    int ZAPI zcam_force_online_camera(int ch, int bus, int slave, char* type);
    int ZAPI CamRead(int ch, TARGET_TYPE t, int addr, unsigned char* val);
    int ZAPI CamWrite(int ch, TARGET_TYPE t, int addr, unsigned char val);
    int ZAPI CamFburn(int ch, int addr, int size, unsigned char* buf);
    int ZAPI CamFdump(int ch, int addr, int size, unsigned char* buf);
    int ZAPI CamVersion(int ch, char *buf);
    int ZAPI CamUserdata(int ch, char *buf);