
This plug-in can easily convert any colored image (in an html page) into a B&W greyscale image.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

This plug-in can easily convert every colored image (in an html page) into a B&W greyscale image. Read the plugin API on here http://gianlucaguarini.github.io/jQuery.BlackAndWhite/.


1 Include the plug into the page:

<script src="js/jQuery.BlackAndWhite.js"></script>

2 Set the image wrappers using the css:

.bwWrapper {

3 Initialize the plug in on window load (no $(document).ready()):

        hoverEffect : true, // default true
        // set the path to BnWWorker.js for a superfast implementation
        webworkerPath : false,
        // for the images with a fluid width and height 
        // to invert the hover effect
        invertHoverEffect: false,
        // this option works only on the modern browsers ( on IE lower than 9 it remains always 1)
        speed: { //this property could also be just speed: value for both fadeIn and fadeOut
            fadeIn: 200, // 200ms for fadeIn animations
            fadeOut: 800 // 800ms for fadeOut animations
        onImageReady:function(img) {
        	// this callback gets executed anytime an image is converted


the script works only for the images hosted on the same server in which the page is loaded!

Plugin Showcase

If your want add a new entry please fork this README file


Thanks to Jeffrey Way for the inspiration ( http://jeffrey-way.com/ )