Content Management System fullstack project

Face Blowing a Kiss       Face with Peeking Eye

1. Project Description

  • Authentication
  • Learn to use jQuery + Bootstrap
  • RealTime Notifications with JS
  • Protect your credentials with .ENV
  • Learn Composer (PHP dependency Manager)
  • Learn to send emails - from PHP or using a third party Package

2. Technologies include

  • PHP
  • Composer
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery

3. Working Notes

3.1. <?php ob_start() ?>

  • ob_start() turns on output buffering. While output buffering is active no output is sent from the script (other than headers), instead the output is stored in an internal buffer.

  • When we request a page from the server, server send some information regarding the page in the header, when we try to use header("Location: somepage.php"), without ob_start() server had already send the information, so this will result in error during redirect. to avoid this it is recommended to use ob_start() as the first thing in the page before any white space or any type of spaces, and in the end of the page ob_end_flush() so that all the given information will be stored into the buffer and when redirecting the page, it is redirected without error.....

    I am learning, but slowly... Turtle