Python OpenSSL wrapper. For modern cryptography with ECC, AES, HMAC, Blowfish, ...
- 1
not invalid win32
#57 opened by pinguo-hexiaogang - 4
Add support OpenSSL 1.1
#50 opened by stalkerg - 2
Python3.4 issue
#49 opened by sureshvv - 0
Encrypt explain text with priv_key
#51 opened by wzjwhtur - 1
EC sign and verify automatically hash to SHA 256
#52 opened by jrconlin - 0
bin_to_b58check not working in Python 3
#37 opened by jakobvarmose - 0
- 5
- 1
- 0
add more curves
#8 opened by erazortt - 3
Exception: Couldn't load OpenSSL lib...
#44 opened by fatmaSaeid - 0
- 0
- 1
- 4
Issues on Mac OS
#11 opened by nopper - 5
AES-GCM support
#16 opened by malinoff - 0
[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_generate_key FAIL Issue
#45 opened by naveensinghal - 1
- 9
ECC Point Compression
#39 opened by ankitpopli1891 - 9
SHA-2 hashes for sign/verify operations
#32 opened by Kagami - 2
bin_to_b58check not working as expected
#30 opened by vernevdsm - 14
License compatibility
#24 opened by dionyziz - 1
- 2
Migrate test.py to proper unit tests
#27 opened by dionyziz - 3
hmac does not cover iv or ephemeral public key
#17 opened by badmofo - 2
GPL Linking to OpenSSL Libraries Without Exemption Causes License Violation
#13 opened by batterystaples - 2
Python 3 support
#12 opened by jcea - 1
- 2
Install issues on Fedora 18
#10 opened by mbarkhau