Sample using ng-lottie and ionic 3 to view animations rendered from After Effects
- adrianobrito@vtex
- ajcrites
- AkkoraStuttgart, Germany
- AlberickNone
- allanalves
- anasjaberNextwo
- andredtrWebflow
- ArashfPerxact Engineering GmbH
- barbietunniebaosystems
- Bvanputten@Blendoor
- chenqingspringThoughtWorks
- colealanroberts-zz@rewardStyle
- corysmcOne Goal
- DrMabuse23Daimler TSS
- Fdom92Openforge
- habibtalibSynctexs Solution
- itshu
- jamesdeantv
- joaohenriquepdaUniversidade de Brasilia
- Jornason
- MantisWareMantisWare
- neolution
- nidhinmahesh@Jupiter-Meta
- Nin7aStar
- niroshnAxcer Innovations
- OctAg0nOoctagono
- processnull
- romanrast
- Sampath-LokugeFull time freelancer
- sebaferrerasSantander, España.
- send2vinnie
- tthsympaold @scaleway, Matera & trainme
- wguilhermeTOTVS
- WmitrutBrasil
- yinayOnepOne Company
- zen-z0riChina