
NTDTeam is a Library Support Read Hotmail and Outlook by IMAP Easier


Read Hotmail Using IMAP

NTDTeam is a Library Support Read Hotmail and Outlook by IMAP Easier
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About The Project

NTDTeam is a Library Support Read Hotmail and Outlook by IMAP Easier. The library will read the mail and return the result as the content of the email in HTML form to convenient REGEX the data !!!

Getting Started

Installation via NuGet

  • METHOD 1: Using Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package NTDTeam -Version 1.0.0
  • METHOD 2: Using Nuget Package Manager


Step 1: Library declaration

using NTDTeam;

Step 2: Declare variable

 string email = "YanNguyenDevdemo@hotmail.com"; //Email Address That Turned ON IMAP
 string passemail = "PassDemo@2005"; //Password Of Email Above
 int timeout = 10; //Number Of Times To Check Mailboxes
 List<string> Mails = new List<string>(); //Declare mailbox as list

Step 2: Use one of the following functions

  1. Read All Mails In Inbox:
 Mails = ReadMailIMAP.ReadAllInboxMails(email, passemail, timeout);
  1. Read All Unread Mails In Inbox:
Mails = ReadMailIMAP.ReadAllUnreadMails(email, passemail, timeout);
  1. Read All Mails In Junk (Spam):
Mails = ReadMailIMAP.ReadJunkMails(email, passemail, timeout);
  1. Read All Unread Mails In Junk (Spam):
Mails = ReadMailIMAP.ReadUnreadJunkMails(email, passemail, timeout);

Step 3: Export each email in the Mailbox

foreach (string mail in Mails)


  • Paypal: mindun94203@gmail.com - Nguyen Ngoc Tung Duong
  • VietTinBank: 106872826613 - Nguyen Ngoc Tung Duong
  • MBBank: 0090420032005 - Nguyen Ngoc Tung Duong
  • MOMO: 0917799104 - Nguyen Ngoc Tung Duong
