
The Remote Procedure Framework - running GH Actions, Lambdas, AWS SSM from Slack or the CLI

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Arpicee - The Remote Procedure Framework

Arpicee is a remote procedure framework that enables you to trigger a variety of "jobs" (Github Actions, AWS Lambdas, AWS SSM Automations, ...) using convenient interfaces (a CLI, a slackbot, ...)


The following Github Workflow can be used as an Arpicee, and then triggered either through a CLI:

export ARPICEE_GH_OWNER=yannh
export ARPICEE_GH_REPO=arpicee-dispatch-workflow
export GH_TOKEN=xxx
$ ./bin/dispatch-github-workflow -h
Usage: ./bin/dispatch-github-workflow [OPTION]... [FILE OR FOLDER]...
        Be extra nice? (Default: false)
  -h    display help
  -name string
        Hello who?
  -output string
        output type: json or text (default "text")
$ ./bin/dispatch-github-workflow -name Yann -benice true
✓ sayhello

or via a Slackbot:

Slackbot demo