Help you create web pages as the design sketch.It draws a half-opacity design sketch on the page,then you could see where is wrong.
It supports all pc browsers including IE6/IE7,but we have a problem on IE6:it does not support position:fixed,so the ctrl-panel won't be fixed on NE/NW/SW/SE position.
<script src="./js/insight.js"></script>
<script >insight(imageURL,options);</script>
- css: css attributes 2.bigStep: step when you enter shift key and 'AWSD'
- ctrlPanelPosition: 'NE', //Or NW or SW or SE
- hideonload: true,
- hotkeysEnabled: true,
- navButtonsEnabled: true
- 2018-11-15[21:54:39]:umd;remove bower
- 2014-11-15[18:25:57]:register to bower
- 2014-01-03[23:40:27]:support big step