
This jhipster generated app allow you to visualise data of from your particle cloud online. Events are read from a database making the history of events persistent unlike the event visualisation of the particle console.


To be able to visualise events, you will first need a database. This database can be filled using the ParticleToDatabase adapter: The graphs are created using:

For development you need to have following dependencies on your machine:

  • Node.js
  • Yarn


Install all dependencies with:

$ yarn install

Then run the following commands in two separate terminals so that the browser auto-refreshes when files are changed.

$ ./gradlew
$ yarn start

Deploying to production: with rancher

First push to you Docker registry:

$ ./gradlew -Pprod bootWar buildDocker -x test
$ docker tag username/iotcloudster
$ docker push username/iotcloudster

Then setup your rancher stack according to the docker-compose.yml and rancher-compose.yml files.

To fill the database do not forget to also add the ParticleToDatabase adapter to the stack.