
ESP32 Weatherstation

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains the source code for a weather monitoring system implemented on an ESP32 microcontroller using Arduino. The system collects data from various sensors, including a BME280 sensor for temperature, pressure, and humidity measurements, an INA3221 sensor for power monitoring, an anemometer for wind speed and direction, and a rain gauge for measuring rainfall.


  • reset s35770 internal counter on first bootup (just to be sure it always starts at 0)
  • attach solar panels
  • casing, CAD parts and outlet
  • maybe 2 solarpanel sections (east-west) to double recharge capacity

#New PCB revision

  • i2c multiplexing, evaluate which multiplexer to use
  • have a second s35770 counter for windspeed and raingauge
  • onboard buck/boost