JJLend: a reputation-based smart lending system using Ethereum blockchain network. It's the final project for the course ECE750 Distributed and Network-Centric Computing.
Here's the software you need to run the program:
- go-ethereum (>= 1.7.3)
- Solidity (>= 0.4.18)
- Truffle (>= 4.0.1)
- Start the bootnode
In the privateNetwork directory, run the following command:
- Start the member nodes (the script will start 5 nodes):
When you start the member nodes, you can attach to any node instance and start to mine.
./attach.sh <node_id>
> miner.start()
In the main directory, run the following command:
In the main directory, you can choose to migrate the contracts to the private network or to any test network configured in truffle.js:
truffle migrate --network <ethereum_network>
The test scripts are stored in execTest directory. You can choose to test the contracts to the private network or to any test network configured in truffle.js.
Before you run the test on the private network, remember to create and unlock the required number of accounts in the node that you connect to. Besides, make sure that you have mined some ether in each account.
In the main directory, you can use the exec.sh script to run the test scripts.
./exec.sh <test_script> <ethereum_network>
Start the testrpc network, then run the following command:
- Build and test:
ubuntu 16.04
Please review the report.pdf for details.