
Uploading files (large files supported) to your google drive using php and the gdrive api. Uses an offline token so that authentication is only needed during setup.

Primary LanguagePHP

Upload files to your google drive via gdrive api.


  • Supports offline token so that you don't need human intervention to authenticate each time script is run
  • Chunked upload to support large files

To get started:

  1. Enter credentials in both scripts (get here https://console.developers.google.com/)
  2. Run gdrive_token.php to authenticate and save token locally to file. This you only need to do once.
  3. Include gdrive_upload.php in your project and upload files like so:
$fullPath =  "/media/myCloud/small.mp4";  // path to file you want to upload 
$gdrive = new gdrive;
$gdrive->fileRequest = $fullPath;

Have fun!