A CLI tool that forwards your Instagram posts to one or more Whatsapp groups.
Instawhatsapp must for now be directly installed from source:
git clone git@github.com:yannrouillard/instawhatsapp.git
cd instawhatsapp
npm install --global
Before beginning to synchronize posts, you must first authorize instawhatsapp to use the WhatsApp web client.
To do that, just run the following command:
instawhatsapp authorize <WHATSAPPACCOUNT>
is an arbitrary name that will be used to identify your account
in instawhatsapp.
instawhatsapp will then display on the terminal the QR code that you must scan with your phone in order to authorize instawhatsapp. This is the same procedure used to authorize WhatsApp web client.
You can then launch the synchronization by launching the following command:
must be the same identifier that you used during the authorization step.
If you want to avoid, you can also put in the file credentials.json
under instawhatsapp data folder
This file has the following format:
"instagram_account1_name": "instagram_account1_password",
"instagram_account2_name": "instagram_account2_password"
Note: instawhatsapp data folder is:
under linux/Users/yann/Library/Application Support/instawhatsapp/
under MacOS X
Be aware of the following caveats when using this application:
Instawhatsapp is fragile and may break at any time
Instawhatsapp uses web-scraping-like techniques to control WhatsApp through its web client. This is by essence fragile as any change in WhatsApp Web client HTML could break the application at any time.
Instawhatsapp will other interrupt existing Whatsapp web client session when running
As there can only be one WhatsApp Web client active at any moment for any account, running instawhatsapp will automatically suspend the other active WhatsApp web client when sending media to the target WhatsApp group.
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue
Yann Rouillard
Copyright © 2018 Yann Rouillard
Released under the GPLv3 license.