TME sujet semaine 4 : thread, atomic, mutex

Programmation Système Répartie et Concurrente : Homepage

Sujet du TME en PDF

To use the project :

  • Go to an empty folder (not your workspace)
mkdir -p tme4 ; cd tme4 ;

  • Clone the project,
git clone

  • Reconfigure project. This project is compatible with autoconf/automake, after cloning, use the mantra
autoreconf -vfi

in the root folder to build makefiles for your project.

  • Import in eclipse or open with your favorite editor
    • For eclipse, File->Import->General->Existing projects into workspace and point the folder tme4.
  • To build, simply run make in the folder
    • For eclipse use the "hammer" tool or "Project->Build Project".

Look at the contents of "", "" and "src/" which are the input to autotools, and are relatively simple and easy to read.

(c) Sorbonne Université 2018-2019