

Project Overview

Do-Today is a simple to-do list management website designed to help users keep track of their tasks. The project utilizes Vue3 for the frontend and Firebase for a minimal backend solution.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend:
    • Vue3
    • Vuex
    • Vue Router
    • Bootstrap5
  • Backend & Deployment:
    • Firebase


Task Management:

  • View a list of all tasks.
  • Add new tasks.
  • Edit existing tasks.
  • Delete tasks.
  • Mark tasks as completed.

Filtering and Sorting:

  • Filter tasks based on their completion status (completed, not completed).
  • Filter tasks by priority tags (high, medium, low, none).

User Authentication:

  • Users can Sign-up and Login using their Email.


Prerequisites Please ensure that you have the following installed on your local machine:

  • Node.js

Clone this repo to your local machine

git clone

Navigate to the project folder

cd "project path"

Install npm packages

npm install

Start the server on localhost (remember to configure your .env file)

npm run dev

