
this repo is used to create git syn docker image

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is used to create a automatic synchronization git repo. It is a key component in online devleopment runtime project. You can run build this the image with your puhlic SSH key.


Clone this repo

cd /to/your/workspace
git clone https://github.com/yanqiw/gitsyn

Add your public ssh key

cd gitsyn
mv sshkeys/authorized_keys.sample sshkeys/authorized_keys 
echo path/your/sshpubilckey > sshkeys/authorized_keys

Build Image

docker build -t project-name-git-repo .

Run the image

If you build the image in your laptop, you need push the image to your cloud, and run the image in cloud.

In your could server, run command

docker run --name project-name-git -v your/host/workdir:/workspace -p YOUR_HOST_PORT:22 project-name-git-repo

YOUR_HOST_PORT is the port on your host which you want to expose.

Init your local git remote

You need to add the git remote to your local git

git remote add runtime ssh://git@YOUR_HOST:YOUR_PORT/repo/runtime.git

YOUR_PROJECT_GIT_REPO is the git repo on your cloud.


In your local workspace, run:

git push runtime master

If the push is successful, open your cloud server to check the code in your host workdir which is used in the container

Auto push to cloud

Add hooks in your local git

Go to your project folder.

touch .git/hooks/post-commit
echo "#/bin/bash" > .git/hooks/post-commit
echo "git push runtime master" >> .git/hooks/post-commit

After add the hooks you the push is automatic run about commit

Run some file monitor script

If you want to auto-push after file save, you need to run some file monitor script or task.

In python


Put this file in your project root, and run it by

python git-auto-add.py YOUR_AUTO_COMMENTS

Runtime image


This is a quick demo to running runtime container on cloud. In cloud server, go to the work folder run below command:

docker run --name nginx_runtime -v "$PWD":/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 8080:80 -d nginx


Open yourdomian.com:8080