
a react demo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A SPA boilerplate with React, built with love.


  • React 15.4.2
  • react-router 3.0.2 will be updated to v4 whenever the version is stable.
  • JSX
  • ES6
  • webpack 2.2
  • Express the dev-server.
  • Hot-Reload
  • Proxy
  • Global-Variable
  • ESlint with standard and standard-react


# install sao first
npm install -g sao

# download the template
sao SidKwok/react-webpack-boilerplate new-project --install

# install all this dependencies.
npm install

# development, default port: 8080
npm run dev

# production
npm run build

# lint the files (if use eslint)
npm run lint


It is pretty much the same config as vue-cli/webpack. If you are familiar with vue-cli, you may have a great joy with this boilerplate.


You can take less, sass, or stylus as your CSS pre-processors, after installing the dependencies. For example, to use less:

npm install less less-loader --save-dev

Then, you can import your less files in your components.


The boilerplate uses http-proxy-middleware for proxying. For example, you want to proxy /api/get-post and /api/get-id, you can edit the option in config/index.js:

dev: {
    proxyTable: {
        'api': {
            target: 'http://example.org',
            changeOrigin: true

Then, you can proxy /api in your dev server.


This doc can illustrate the usage well.


The boilerplate uses react-hot-loader v3 to tweak React components.


standard and standard-react are the default style guides for this boilerplate, feel free to edit your own config in .eslintrc.js.


The production files are built for server, so you are not supposed to visit index.html directly. To make it works, you should use a static server:

npm install -g anywhere # or others

# in `./dist`


  • eslint
  • unit test
  • e2e test
  • Redux comming soon!