0001 |
Two Sum |
Array, Hash Table |
Python |
0020 |
Valid Parentheses |
String, Stack |
Python |
0021 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
Linked List |
Python |
0053 |
Maximum Subarray |
Array, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming |
Python |
0937 |
Reorder Data in Log Files |
String, Sort |
Python |
0121 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
Array, Dynamic Programming |
Python |
0206 |
Reverse Linked List |
Linekd List |
Python |
0202 |
Happy Number |
Hash Table, Math |
Python |
0953 |
Verifying an Alien Dictionary |
Hash Table |
Python |
0007 |
Reverse Integer |
Math |
Python |
0415 |
Add Strings |
String |
Python |
0088 |
Merge Sorted Array |
Array, Two Pointers |
Python |
0706 |
Design HashMap |
Hash Map |
Python |
0811 |
Subdomain Visit Count |
Hash Table |
Python |
0412 |
Fizz Buzz |
Math |
Python |
0155 |
Min Stack |
Stack |
Python |
0283 |
Move Zeroes |
Array, Two Pointers |
Python |
0543 |
Diameter of Binary Tree |
Tree |
Python |
0009 |
Palindrome Number |
Math |
Python |
0067 |
Add Binary |
Math, String |
Python |
0680 |
Valid Palindrome II |
String |
Python |
0013 |
Roman to Integer |
String |
Python |
0070 |
Climbing Stairs |
Dynamic Programming |
Python |
0136 |
Single Number |
Hash Table, Bit Manipulation |
Python |
0014 |
Longest Common Prefix |
String |
Python |
0125 |
Valid Palindrome |
Two Pointers, String |
Python |
0443 |
String Compression |
String |
Python |
0204 |
Count Primes |
Hash Table, Math |
Python |
0038 |
Count and Say |
String |
Python |
0234 |
Palindrome Linked List |
Linked List, Two Pointers |
Python |
0819 |
Most Common Word |
String |
Python |
0387 |
First Unique Character in a String |
Hash Table, String |
Python |
0359 |
Logger Rate Limiter |
Hash Table, Design |
Python |
0268 |
Missing Number |
Array, Math, Bit Manipulation |
Python |
0198 |
House Robber |
Dynamic Programming |
Python |
0242 |
Valid Anagram |
Hash Table, Sort |
Python |
0101 |
Symmetric Tree |
Tree, Depth-first Search, Breadth-first Search |
Python |
0122 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II |
Array, Greedy |
Python |
0716 |
Max Stack |
Design |
Python |
0349 |
Intersection of Two Arrays |
Hash Table, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Sort |
Python |
0203 |
Remove Linked List Elements |
Linked List |
Python |
0167 |
Two Sum II - Input array is sorted |
Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search |
Python |
0278 |
First Bad Version |
Binary Search |
Python |
1086 |
High Five |
Array, Hash Table, Sort |
Python |
0339 |
Nested List Weight Sum |
Depth-first Search |
Python |
0532 |
K-diff Pairs in an Array |
Array, Two Pointers |
Python |
0108 |
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree |
Tree, Depth-first Search |
Python |
0112 |
Path Sum |
Tree, Depth-first Search |
Python |
0113 |
Path Sum II |
Tree, Depth-first Search |
Python |
0437 |
Path Sum III |
Tree |
Python |
0256 |
Paint House |
Dynamic Programming |
Python |
0344 |
Reverse String |
Two Pointers, Stirng |
Python |
0169 |
Majority Element |
Array, Divide and Conquer, Bit Manipulation |
Python |
0160 |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
Linked List |
Python |
0773 |
Flood Fill |
Depth_first Search |
Python |
0463 |
Island Perimeter |
Hash Table |
Python |
0938 |
Range Sum of BST |
Tree, Recursion |
Python |
0232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks |
Stack, Design |
Python |
0703 |
Kth Largest Element in a Stream |
Heap |
Python |
0243 |
Shortest Word Distance |
Array |
Python |
0104 |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree |
Tree, Depth-first Search |
Python |
0189 |
Rotate Array |
Array |
Python |
0270 |
Closest Binary Search Tree Value |
Binary Search, Tree |
Python |
0836 |
Rectangle Overlap |
Math |
Python |
0509 |
Fibonacci Number |
Array |
Python |
0977 |
Squares of a Sorted Array |
Array, Two Pointers |
Python |
0205 |
Isomorphic Strings |
Hash Table |
Python |
0141 |
Linked List Cycle |
Linked List, Two Pointers |
Python |
0083 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
Linked List |
Python |
0118 |
Pascal's Triangle |
Array |
Python |
0844 |
Backspace String Compare |
Two Pointers, Stack |
Python |
0028 |
Implement strStr() |
Two Pointers, String |
Python |
0168 |
Excel Sheet Column Title |
Math |
Python |
0876 |
Middle of the Linked List |
Linked List |
Python |
0448 |
Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array |
Array |
Python |
0557 |
Reverse Words in a String III |
String |
Python |
0026 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
Array, Two Pointers |
Python |
0226 |
Invert Binary Tree |
Tree |
Python |
0796 |
Rotate String |
String |
Python |
0628 |
Maximum Product of Three Numbers |
Array, Math |
Python |
1010 |
Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 |
Array |
Python |
0069 |
Sqrt(x) |
Math, Binary Search |
Python |
0453 |
Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements |
Math |
Python |
1071 |
Greatest Common Divisor of Strings |
String |
Python |
0171 |
Excel Sheet Column Number |
Math |
Python |
0496 |
Next Greater Element I |
Stack |
Python |
1029 |
Two City Scheduling |
Greedy |
Python |
0346 |
Moving Average from Data Stream |
Design, Queue |
Python |
C++ |
0257 |
Binary Tree Paths |
Tree, Depth-first Search |
Python |
C++ |
0371 |
Sum of Two Integers |
Bit Manipulation |
Python |
C++ |
1360 |
Number of Days Between Two Dates |
Python |
C++ |
0299 |
Bulls and Cows |
Hash Table |
Python |
C++ |
0217 |
Contains Duplicate |
Array, Hash Table |
Python |
C++ |
1047 |
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String |
Stack |
Python |
C++ |
0724 |
Find Pivot Index |
Array |
Python |
C++ |
0246 |
Strobogrammatic Number |
Hash Table, Math |
Python |
C++ |
0350 |
Intersection of Two Arrays II |
Hash Table, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Sort |
Python |
C++ |
1313 |
Decompress Run-Length Encoded List |
Array |
Python |
C++ |
0572 |
Subtree of Another Tree |
Tree |
Python |
C++ |
0605 |
Can Place Flowers |
Array |
Python |
C++ |