
Implementation of the server-client solution for storing KV data, lightweight analog of the Redis

Primary LanguageGo


This is an implementation of the server-client solution for storing KV data, lightweight analog of Redis done on pure Go (only standard libraries). Keys and values are utf8-encoded strings.

The project can be executed with the help of Makefile and Docker containers. Makefile has build and run targets.

  1. build target is necessary to compile the binaries for server and client and create a Docker image (according to Dockerfile)
  2. run target is used for starting Docker containers with default configurations.

Makefile usage

Command Description
build make build to create the image with installed tools and build binaries inside containers with default configurations which can be changed in Makefile by adding -p, --port and -m, --mode flags with required value (default for port is "9090", for mode is "disk").
run make run to start the containers: the server in a detached mode and the client with allocating a pseudo-TTY connected to the container’s stdin and creating an interactive bash shell in the container. Default configurations can be changed with -h or --host and -p or --port flags (default value for host is "", port "9090"). $(CURDIR)/main directory on the host machine is mounted into the container.
check make check to run subsequently "go vet", "goimports", "golint" on the project.

Client commands

Command Description
set Updates one key at a time with the given value
get Returns a tuple of the value and the key state. The state is either present or absent.
del Removes one key at a time and returns the state of the resource. The state is either ignored or absent. A key is ignored if it does not exist.
keys Returns all keys matching pattern. Pattern could include * symbol which matches zero or more characters.
stop Disconnects from the server and stops the client.