
New assembler and simmulated machine for running the `liasm` assembly language, created in University of Brasilia (UnB)

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

Linguagem Inventada - liasm (EN)

Stars License: Unlicense

Brazil Flag For the Portuguese version, click here.

Welcome to the repository of the Linguagem Inventada, a simulation machine that allows assembling and running programs written in the "Linguagem Inventada" or liasm, created in the University of Brasília (UnB).

Hypothetical Machine Description

The liasm environment is designed to emulate a simple computer architecture. The hypothetical machine at its core has the following components:

  • ACC: A 16-bit accumulator register for arithmetic and logic operations.
  • PC: A 16-bit program counter register that points to the next instruction.
  • Memory: A memory with ( 2^{16} ) words, each of 16 bits.

This machine recognizes three instruction formats:

  • Format 1: Single Opcode
  • Format 2: Opcode followed by one address
  • Format 3: Opcode followed by two addresses

The instruction set is designed to be minimal yet complete, allowing the implementation of a wide range of algorithms.

liasm Assembly Language

Although simple, liasm can be considered a Turing-complete language. It has a set of instructions and directives that allow the programmer to write complex programs. The following table lists the available instructions:

Mnemonic Opcode Numeric Size (words) Action
ADD 01 2 ACC <- ACC + mem(OP)
SUB 02 2 ACC <- ACC - mem(OP)
MUL 03 2 ACC <- ACC * mem(OP)
DIV 04 2 ACC <- ACC ÷ mem(OP)
JMP 05 2 PC <- OP
JMPN 06 2 If ACC<0 then PC <- OP
JMPP 07 2 If ACC>0 then PC <- OP
JMPZ 08 2 If ACC=0 then PC <- OP
COPY 09 3 mem(OP2) <- mem(OP1)
LOAD 10 2 ACC <- mem(OP)
STORE 11 2 mem(OP) <- ACC
INPUT 12 2 mem(OP) <- input
OUTPUT 13 2 output <- mem(OP)
STOP 14 1 Suspends execution
THROW 15 1 Throws an exception
NOP 16 1 Increments PC by 1


  • CONST: Allocates a constant value to a memory address. Example: N3: CONST 1 ; Allocates 1 to N3
  • SPACE: Allocates memory space to an address without initializing it. Example: N1: SPACE ; Allocates memory to N1 address


  • Comments in the liasm assembly code start with a semicolon (;). Everything following the ; on a line is considered a comment and is ignored by the assembler.

Compiler Workflow

The liasm compiler operates in two passes:

  1. First Pass: The compiler reads the source .liasm file to build a table of labels, which is used to resolve addresses during the assembly process. During this phase, the compiler also performs lexical analysis to identify any syntax errors in the source code.

  2. Second Pass: With the label table constructed, the compiler reads the source file a second time, this time translating the assembly instructions into binary code. The compiler also performs semantic checks to ensure the integrity of the program, such as validating instruction formats and detecting any undefined references.

Project Structure

Here's an overview of the project structure to help you navigate and understand its components:

  • liasm/: The main directory containing all the resources needed for the assembler and simulation.
    • bin/: Stores the compiled binaries of the assembler.
    • examples/: Contains examples of Inventive Assembly code for testing and learning.
    • includes/: Headers of libraries used by the assembler.
    • src/: Source code of the assembler.
    • tests/: Automated tests.
    • utils/: Auxiliary tools.
    • compiler.cpp: The main file of the compiler.
    • Makefile: To compile the project using make.
    • MEMdata.txt and MEMtext.txt: Simulate memory reserved for data and instructions, respectively.
  • .gitignore: List of files/directories to ignore in versioning.
  • README.md: Documentation (this file).

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure the following tools are installed on your system:

  • make: Utility for automation of compilation.
  • g++: The C++ compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).

The assembler was tested succesafuly on OSX and Linux (both x86 and ARM).

Assembling and Running Programs with licc

To compile the licc assembler:

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd liasm/
  2. Compile the assembler using the make command:


Or you can just use the precompiled binary in the liasm directory.

Using Makefile

After compiling the assembler:

  • To assemble a program, replace <file path> with your .asm file:

    ./licc <file path>
  • Optional: You can also set the mode to debug to see the generated labels and verbose output.

    ./licc <file path> debug

Direct Execution with make run

  • To compile the assembler and execute directly, replace <file path> with the path of your .asm file:

    make run FILE=<file path>
  • Optional: You can also set the mode to debug to see the generated labels and verbose output.

    make run FILE=<file path> MODE=debug

Running Tests

To ensure the assembler is working correctly:

make test

This command compiles the assembler and runs all the tests in the tests/ folder.


This project is under the UNLICENSE, allowing complete freedom for use, modification, and distribution.