
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Make your swagger specification source of true by generate client api includes form group controllers.


To prevent rewrite schema again (in angular forms), or even more - prevent write the ui.

For example, we can just do :

model = this.swagularService.loginFormModel({ fields: [{ key: 'email' }, { key: 'password', type: 'password' }] });

And then using it in our component:

<swagular-form class="container" [model]="model" (submit)="login()"></swagular-form>

The full example is here

Get started

This package is using OpenAPI 3 code generator to generate the client api, so first run npm i ng-openapi-gen -D

Install the package by running npm i swagular

Add script that will generate the client api code to your package.json:

"gen": "ng-openapi-gen --input [path to your api doc] --templates node_modules/swagular/templates",

Now you can just run npm run gen, it will generate the code under src/app/api folder.

import the modules to your angular modules -

ApiModule.forRoot({ rootUrl: [path to your api] }),

Add the service to your component dependencies.

constructor(private service: SomeService) {}

Using generated form group

if your route have body params, you can see the relevant form group in the generated service.

for example - login route -

formGroup = this.service.loginFormGroup();

using swagular form component

you can use swagular form component instead of building the form on your own -

  • install angular material ng add @angular/material
  • import SwagularComponentModule to ng module.
  • declare the form model
  model: FormModel<LoginFormGroupType> = {
  formGroup: this.service.loginFormGroup(),
  formTitle: 'Login Form',
  formSaveButtonTitle: 'Login',
  fields: [{ key: 'email' }, { key: 'password', type: 'password' }]
  • bind the model to swagular-form component
    <swagular-form class="container" [model]="model" (submit)="login()"></swagular-form>