
An NLP project in Summarization, Columbia University

Primary LanguagePython

A summarization project, Columbia University

Getting data from Wikinews

The command to run inside the pywikibot subfolder:

python pwb.py listpages -cat:Published -get

This gets all the wikinews articles which were published in the English lanaguage.

How to compute baselines?

In the training folder you will find the baseline.py script.

usage: baseline.py [-h] ds ver out mrge typ

positional arguments: ds the path to the dataset top level folder ver ROUGE ver to user either 1 or 2 for choosing the best source to use (mds) out the path of the output ROUGE file; should be global path mrge the minimal ROUGE2 in the .rge file to consider as valid typ the type of baseline to run: centroid, first3, rand3


python baseline.py ../../material-data/dataset 1 ../training/baseline.rand3 0.1 rand3

How to convert a dataset to a labeled data set for training/evaluation?

In the training folder you will find the convert_dataset.py script.

usage: convert_dataset.py [-h] ds out ver mrge typ

Convert a dataset to a labeled dataset for training or evaluation

positional arguments: ds the path to the dataset top level folder out the output file with the labedled data points as a json file ver whether to use .best1 or .best2 to create the datapoints mrge the minimal ROUGE2 in the .rge file to consider as valid typ to create mds or sds datapoints (mds, sds)


python convert_dataset.py ../../material-data/dataset /tmp/traininig.json 1 0.1 msd

How to create labeled datapoints in json format from DUC data?

In the training folder there is a run_on_duc.py script.

usage: run_on_duc.py [-h] duc

Create labeled datapoints for all the duc data

positional arguments: duc the duc data folder


python run_on_duc.py ../../material-data/duc_data

How to calculate the distribution of rouge scores accross the dataset?

In the rouge_scripts folder there is a calc_dist.py script.

usage: calc_dist.py [-h] ds

Calculate the distributions of ROUGE 1 and 2 scores

positional arguments: ds the path to one input duc data folder


python calc_dist.py ../../material-data/dataset

How to extract the best sentences according to IGR or SGR?

In rouge_scripts folder there is the extract_best_sentences.py which should be run on all articles from the dataset with "parallel" command:

ls dataset | parallel -j 10 'python extract_best_sentences.py dataset 1 {} 1'