
A CNN implementaion in theano with many features such as dropouts, adagrad, momentum, svm layer and access to many datasets through skdata.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Samosa: version 0.01.01

  • An even easier, simpler and versatile CNN alternative to Lasagne.
  • Promotes easy learnability and practice of theano.
  • Modelling by just entries in the boilerplate.

Who is this code most useful for ?

I wrote this code essentially for my labmates, those who are interested in starting deep CNNs to make a fast transition into theano. This will also be useful for industry when teting out prototypes.

The wiki page has some rudimentary details on how to run the code and how to use it. I am working on a Sphinx Documentation, but until then, thats all I have. Contact me if you had trouble.

Thanks for using the code, hope you had fun.

Ragav Venkatesan
