Declarative API programming (DAP) framework
You only need to add a annotation to the parent interface of your service to provide an interface to the outside world. We also support the traditional Controller
@MarsApi(refBean="The name of the bean to reference")
public interface TestService {
`Return type` selectList(TestDTO testDTO);
// Query a piece of data based on the primary key
@MarsGet(tableName = "userinfo",primaryKey = "id")
public abstract `Return type` selectById(int id);
// Insert a piece of data
@MarsUpdate(tableName = "userinfo",operType = OperType.INSERT)
public abstract int insert(`Entity object parameter`);
// Delete a piece of data based on the primary key
@MarsUpdate(tableName = "userinfo",operType = OperType.DELETE,primaryKey = "id")
public abstract int delete(int id);
// Modify a piece of data based on the primary key
@MarsUpdate(tableName = "userinfo",operType = OperType.UPDATE,primaryKey = "id")
public abstract int update(`Entity object parameter`);
Just add a annotation to the field of VO
// Cannot be empty and is 2-3 digits long
@MarsDataCheck(notNull = true,maxLength = 3L,minLength = 2L, msg = "id不可为空且长度必须在2-3位之间")
private Integer id;
// Regular check
@MarsDataCheck(reg = "^(?![0-9]+$)(?![a-zA-Z]+$)[0-9A-Za-z]{6,12}$",msg = "密码不可以为空且必须是6-12位数字字母组合")
private String password;
How does the front end get prompted?
Just request the API normally. If the verification fails, you will get such a json.
Usually when we write code, we need to add try {} catch () {} to each Controller method, which can be used to return the json string normally when the exception
Spring has an ExecptionHandler to solve this problem, and Mars-java also provides a corresponding solution
The solution is to do nothing, and if something goes wrong, it will automatically return the following json string to the front end
Add RedisLock annotation on the method to be locked
@RedisLock(key = "Define a key yourself")
public int insert(){
return 1;
At present, this project has its own microservice framework: Mars-cloud, more components will be launched later, and the ultimate goal is to create a useful closed ecosystem
Note: The closed ecology does not mean that it is not open source, but that most of the components are their own and can be well integrated.