
Build a Twitter Clone! - Week 4 weekend challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Chitter Challenge

Build Status Coverage Status

deployed to Heroku on https://chittter-chattter.herokuapp.com/

What is it?

This is Week 4 weekend challenge at Makers Academy. It is a simple Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream. Full instructions of the challenge can be found in INSTRUCTIONS.md.


  • Users can sign up for Chitter
  • Users can sign in and sign out
  • Users can post a peep while signed in
  • Users can view all peeps in reverse chronological order
  • Peeps have the names and usernames of the posters
  • Peeps have the times at which they were made
  • Passwords are secured
  • Username and email are unique


First make sure PostgreSQL was installed properly. Then download and run the app in command line:

$ git clone https://github.com/yyl29/chitter-challenge.git
$ cd chitter-challenge
$ bundle
$ createdb chitter_development
$ rake db:auto_migrate
$ rackup

This will create a database named chitter_development using Postgres, and run this app on a local web server. You can then peep using a browser at http://localhost:9292/.

###Issues and Bug Reports

Feature requests and bug reports can be made here at https://github.com/yyl29/chitter-challenge/issues

Technologies used

  • Capybara/RSpec for TDD
  • DataMapper and PostgreSQL to save data
  • Bcrypt for password encryption

Online Resources