Restful API

An API to manage a user persistence layer with basic CRUD (create, read, update and delete) functionality. An individual user have the following attributes:

id - A unique user id
email - A users email address
forename - A users first name
surname - A users last name
createdAt - The date and time the user was added

The app is deployed to Heroku at



From the command line:

$ git clone
$ cd restful-api
$ npm install


To start the server locally:

$ npm start

Then go to http://localhost:3000/api in your browser. The API can be consumed using Postman. The endpoints are:

Endpoint Usage
GET /users Get all users
GET /users/{id} Get a user
POST /users Create a user
PUT /users{id} Change a user's details
DELETE /users{id} Remove a user


From the command line:

$ npm test

And generate a coverage report with:

$ npm test --coverage