
Primary LanguagePython

Adversarial Robustness of Stabilized Neural ODE Might be from Obfuscated Gradients


Reproducing source codes for

Yifei Huang, Yaodong Yu, Hongyang Zhang, Yi Ma, Yuan Yao, Adversarial Robustness of Stabilized Neural ODE Might be from Obfuscated Gradients, Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning (MSML), August 16-19, 2021. arXiv:2009.13145


  • Python 3.7.0
  • Pytorch (1.3.0)
  • torchdiffeq (0.0.1)
  • CUDA


$ pip install -r requirements.txt


For sonet:

$ python main.py --model sonet_s --channel 64 --nb 2 2 2 2 --aug True --lr 0.01 --b 100 --wd 0 --data cifar10 --gpuid 0,1

For resnet10 with trades loss:

$ python main.py --model resnet10 --channel 64 --nb 1 1 1 1 --aug True lr 0.01 --b 100 --wd 0 --loss tr --data cifar10 --gpuid 0

For resnet10 based soblock:

$ python main.py --model resXsonet --channel 64 --nb 1 1 1 1 --aug True lr 0.01 --b 100 --wd 0 --data cifar10 --gpuid 0

For wideresnet based soblock:

$ python main.py --model wideresXsonet --channel 64 --nb 1 1 1 1 --aug True lr 0.01 --b 100 --wd 0 --data cifar10 --gpuid 0

For simple odenet:

$ python main.py --model odenet_tq --channel 64 --nb 1 1 1 1 --aug True lr 0.01 --b 100 --wd 0 --data cifar10 --gpuid 0


  • model: different models, SONet (sonet_s), ResNet10, SOBlock (resXsonet10) and ODENet (odenet_tq)
  • solver: 'explicit_adams', 'fixed_adams', 'adams', 'tsit5', 'dopri5', 'bosh3', 'euler', 'midpoint', 'rk4','adaptive_heun'
  • channel: input channel
  • nb: number of blocks for each layer
  • strides: strides for each layer
  • aug: whether to apply augmentation
  • loss: CrossEntropy, TRADES

Robustness evaluation

After training, all of the ckpt.pt as well config.json will be saved in ./checkpoints with folder name the datatime. So, for a specific ckpt.pt, you can run the following command to evaluate its white-box PGD robustness.

$ python attacker.py --c_p {your config path} --m_p {your model path} --l2 False --linf_ns 20 --linf_s 0.003 --linf_e 0.031 --b 100 --gpuid 0


  • c_p: config path
  • m_p: trained model path with corresponding config
  • l2: whether to apply l2 attack or linf
  • linf_ns (l2_ns): iterations for PGD Linf (l2)
  • linf_s (l2_s): step size for PGD Linf (l2)
  • linf_e (l2_e): epsilion or distance for PGD Linf (l2)

For the other attacks, you can run the following command.

$ python attacker_spsa --c_p {your config path} --m_p {your model path} --type {attack type}


  • type: spsa, cwlinf, cwl2, boundary or deepfool

Training Logs

tensorboard --logdir=checkpoints 
to see the training log.


White-box PGD attacks

The distance is 0.031 and 0.5 for Linf and l2 respectively.

Model Channel Under which attack Natural accuracy Robust accuracy (Linf)
(epsilon = 0.031)
Robust accuracy (l2)
(epsilon = 0.5)
SONet 32 PGD20 88.08% 53.67% 57.39%
SOBlock 32 PGD20 90.28% 58.21% 60.25%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 1.0) 32 PGD20 81.52% 35.26% 57.07%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 6.0) 32 PGD20 73.69% 43.46% 55.73%
SONet 64 PGD20 89.36% 61.62% 64.08%
SOBlock 64 PGD20 91.57% 62.35% 64.70%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 1.0) 64 PGD20 82.74% 37.64% 58.97%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 6.0) 64 PGD20 76.29% 45.24% 57.28%
SONet 32 PGD1000 88.08% 19.62% 31.75%
SOBlock 32 PGD1000 90.28% 52.01% 52.79%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 1.0) 32 PGD1000 81.52% 33.60% 56.70%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 6.0) 32 PGD1000 73.69% 43.30% 55.48%
SONet 64 PGD1000 89.36% 24.25% 39.79%
SOBlock 64 PGD1000 91.57% 55.43% 57.37%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 1.0) 64 PGD1000 82.74% 35.78% 58.73%
ResNet10-TRADES (1/lambda = 6.0) 64 PGD1000 76.29% 44.70% 56.87%