Cake OMS Backend

Configure project name, environment and HTTP Hosts

vim .env.default

Start project


All docker-compose up options available in ./start Additional Options for ./start

--skip-install to skip install dependencies


./start -d to start in detach mode ./start -d --force-recreate to start in detach mode and recreate ./start --skip-install -d to start docker as daemon mode and skip modules installation

Start project with no-dev option - simulate to production environment

./start --no-dev


./docker-compose --no-dev up -d --force-recreate --remove-orphans to start built docker container

Stop project


Note: Don't run stop unless you want to remove entries docker images and volumes inside your local machine Alternative way: can be done is run ./docker-compose down to remove all docker containers, It will leave docker built images and next time ./docker-compose up -d can be used to create and start containers again See for more docker commands

Global service containers

You can add global service containers like prerender, imaginary, nginx proxy, ... inside the root docker-compose.yml.

Prerender configuration: