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Quick introduction to reverse engineering for beginners
Compiled versions are:
- 《Linux就该这么学》
- 【A Heavily Commented Linux Kernel Source Code 】同济大学赵炯编著的《Linux内核完全注释》
- 中文版本,共1016页,PDF格式。http://www.oldlinux.org/download/CLK-5.0-WithCover.pdf
- 英文版本,共1117页,PDF格式。http://www.oldlinux.org/download/ECLK-5.0-WithCover.pdf
EI 目录
- Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- ThinkJulia.jl (in github)
- Think Julia:如何像计算机科学家一样思考
- Introduction to Information Retrieval: Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze, Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press. 2008.
- HTML edition (2009.04.07)
- PDF of the book for online viewing (with nice hyperlink features, 2009.04.01)
- PDF of the book for printing (2009.04.01)
- Stanford slides and assignments (2013.09.13)
- Information Retrieval Resources
- yaoqs/Machine-learning-Related Description: 本人收集的机器学习(Machine Learning, ML)相关资料
- Patterns, Predictions, and Actions A story about machine learning.Moritz Hardt and Benjamin Recht pdf
- The Deep Learning [An MIT Press book - Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville] textbook is a resource intended to help students and practitioners enter the field of machine learning in general and deep learning in particular. The online version of the book is now complete and will remain available online for free.
- 深度学习-IanGoodfellow(伊恩·古德费洛) 著.pdf 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OTz-ah0XV1nrq_3tf8RtEA 提取码: e75m
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin .Here's our August 20, 2024 release! github
- 《老"码"识途:从机器码到框架的系统观逆向修炼之路》以逆向反汇编为线索,自底向上,从探索者的角度,原生态地刻画了对系统机制的学习,以及相关问题的猜测、追踪和解决过程,展现了系统级思维方式的淬炼方法。该思维方式是架构师应具备的一种重要素质。《老"码"识途:从机器码到框架的系统观逆向修炼之路》内容涉及反汇编、底层调试、链接、加载、钩子、异常处理、测试驱动开发、对象模型和机制、线程类封装、跨平台技术、插件框架、设计模式、GUI框架设计等。
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