
A package for performing CCD data reduction.


A package for performing CCD data reduction and processing.


Data Structures

  • Collection (name TBD?) type

Some kind of container for holding the different images. I think a good idea would be to have something that can be given data directly as arrays, or can be given as filenames, or can even be given by directories/globs. The data should be accessed lazily (unless loaded in directly).

This will be what is passed to the high-level routines for reduction

  • Pipeline (name TBD) type

Having some way of storing/serializing a processing pipeline. This should be something that can be created independently of data and then run on a Collection


  • Statistical: lots of image statistics will need to be calculated. For now those may already exist, or might be in a different package, might need to be added here, or might need to be added somewhere like AstroBase.jl
  • Cosmic-Ray Detection
  • Background Subtraction
  • Flat-Fielding
  • Bias Subtraction
  • Non-linearity correction
  • Image Registration (not in here, should make a separate package)
  • Stacking
  • Overscan subtraction
  • Morphological changes (trim, pad, ... probably already in Images.jl)


  • Offer many ways to output
  • Full integration with Unitful
  • Variance calculations
  • Good mix of low-level, high granularity functions and high-level methods for chaining processing together. I would love to see something where you can denote bias |> dark |> register |> median_stack or seomthing where it sees bias and will automatically debias the darks and the science frames, without specifying for each type.