Code for PODNet w/ AANets

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


[Paper] [Original GitHub Repository for AANets]

See the original GitHub repository for AANets here: https://git.io/JYHyt

We are still cleaning up the code for PODNet w/ AANets. If you need to use it now, here is a preliminary version.

Installing Requirements

You need to install the same environment as PODNet to run this code. You may see a list of the requirements here.

Preparing Datasets

Our code uses exactly the same dataset splits as PODNet.

You need to put the data of ILSVRC2012 under this folder: https://github.com/yaoyao-liu/POD-AANets/tree/main/data/imagenet

The folders for the training and validation data should be named as train and val, respectively.

Running Experiments

You may run the experiments on ImageNet-Subset using the following command:

python run_exp.py

Results on ImageNet-Subset (5-phase)

You may see the log file here.

Avg. Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
PODNet 75.9 86.4 80.6 76.3 74.7 69.8 67.6
POD-AANets (paper) 77.0 86.1 81.5 77.7 75.5 71.6 69.4
POD-AANets (this repo) 77.3 87.0 82.2 78.5 75.5 71.6 69.0

Reporting Issues

If you have any questions, please create an issue in the original repository. Thanks!


Please cite our paper if it is helpful to your work:

  author    = {Liu, Yaoyao and Schiele, Bernt and Sun, Qianru},
  title     = {Adaptive Aggregation Networks for Class-Incremental Learning},
  booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages     = {2544-2553},
  year      = {2021}


Our implementation uses the source code from the following repository: