TensorFlow and PyTorch implementation of "Meta-Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Learning" (CVPR2019)
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Formula(4) for updating SS parameters
#63 opened by iwei666 - 1
the implementation for the hard-meta batch
#64 opened by zzltly - 1
the code for choosing hard class-m?
#56 opened by gyr0104 - 11
Where is the code for choosing hard class-m ?
#48 opened by nobel861017 - 9
how to get the code about Hard Task Meta-Batch?
#36 opened by Wiikk - 2
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About the correspondence between the phases proposed in the paper and the phases in the code
#62 opened by luhexin - 2
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
#61 opened by Lcance - 2
About SS operation.
#60 opened by biwanqing - 3
How do you update the base_leaner's parameters
#59 opened by xugy16 - 3
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in conv2d_mtl.py, the mtl_weight has 4-dimensional and the weight has 3-dimensional, new_mtl_weight = self.mtl_weight.expand(self.weight.shape) has error,is there some problem?
#57 opened by huifangchen1993 - 4
Where the fine-tuning in the code
#55 opened by JianqunZhang - 1
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question about dataset
#53 opened by changykang - 2
About the computer operating system
#51 opened by jiayi1999 - 4
FC-100 data loader
#47 opened by YoungBigBird1985 - 3
Data Loader for CIFAR-FS
#50 opened by YoungBigBird1985 - 6
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a question about meta-training strategy
#45 opened by Sword-keeper - 3
Performance Pytorch Version
#46 opened by mikehuisman - 2
I have some questions about test...
#44 opened by Sword-keeper - 4
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multi-gpu training & maml baseline
#42 opened by DanqingZ - 3
Questions about hard batch
#27 opened by hortune - 10
GPU can not working
#29 opened by yangt1013 - 5
How to use a custom dataset with this model?
#41 opened by Vaibhav-ML - 2
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what was it to =: in formula (1) ?
#38 opened by eeric - 5
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Some question about tensorflow results
#37 opened by Yitian-Li - 3
some question about resnet-12
#35 opened by Sword-keeper - 10
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the choice of optimizer
#31 opened by Sword-keeper - 4
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Question in pre-train phase: Why use meta-val set to select pre-train model?
#28 opened by Errorfinder - 1
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Resnet Clarification
#22 opened by JKDomoguen - 5
a question about 'trlog'
#21 opened by Sword-keeper - 1
some questions about performs
#20 opened by ljjcoder - 5
Question about the pytorch implementation
#18 opened by bellos1203 - 1
Some questions about ResNet.
#19 opened by vaynelau - 1
Queaten about SS for pytorch
#17 opened by xiaobeikankan - 4
Questian about the choice of base-learner
#16 opened by Sebastian-X - 1
#15 opened by xu282934741