
Materials of hands-on section for Mexico workshop 2019

Hands on materials for Nanopore data analysis: from basecalling to structural variant detection

0. Preliminary

To use Shirokanedai HPC, we have the following two modes:

  • Interactive mode
qlogin -l os7,s_vmem=16G,mem_req=16G
# if you need to use GPU
qlogin -l os7,s_vmem=16G,mem_req=16G,v100=1 
  • Job submission mode. Write a shell script with the following head lines in your SCRIPT-NAME.sh file.
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -cwd

echo arg1=$1
sleep 10


Submit your script file:

qsub -l os7,s_vmem=16G,mem_req=16G SCRIPT-NAME.sh

1. Nanopore data analysis enviroment setup

1.1 Get into the interactive mode

qlogin -l os7,s_vmem=16G,mem_req=16G

1.2. Build singularity images with pre-prepared docker file

singularity build --sandbox <YOUR-IMAGE-NAME> docker://yaozhong/nanopore_analysis

1.3. Get into the singularity image

singularity shell --writable <YOUR-IMAGE-NAME>
# if GPU is intended to use, please first specify qlogin v100 option, and using the --nv option like
singularity shell --nv --writable <YOUR-IMAGE-NAME>

1.4. Example data and configuration files We provided

  • 4000 Lambda phage reads of raw fast5 signals in the fold of
  • 1000 reads from human chr11 in the fold of

Reference files are listed in


2. Base-calling

guppy_basecaller -i data/fast5/lambda -s output/basecall/lambda -c /opt/ont/guppy/data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_fast.cfg --cpu_threads_per_caller 24 

For 4,000 lambda fast5 reads, it takes real 2m 39.700s.

3. Assembly

3.1 Read-read mapping Find overlaps between long reads

# k: k-mer size, w: minmize winodw length 
minimap2 -x ava-ont -k15 -w5 YOUR-READS.fastq  YOUR-READS.fastq > YOUR-READS-OVERLAP.paf

3.2 Contig Generation

  • Miniasm is used to generate contigs
  • The mapping information between all reads (*.paf) is used to generate consensus contigs.
# generate contigs

# extract contig fastq file
awk '$1 ~/S/ {print ">"$2"\n"$3}' YOUR-CONTIGS.gfa > YOUR-CONTIGS.fasta

3.3 Read-Contig mapping Find the overlaps between read and contigs (note no specific option is needed)

minimap2 $READS contigs.fasta > read-contig.paf

3.4 Concensus correction (Polishing)

  • Correct contig erros
  • Repeat the following steps 10 times to get more accurate long contigs
minimap2  contigs.fasta YOUR-READS.fastq  > read-contig.paf
racon YOUR-READS.fastq read-contig.paf contigs.fasta > contigs.fasta
## 10 rounds of polishing

for i in `seq 1 10`
	minimap2  contigs_$((i-1)).fasta YOUR-READS.fastq  > read-contig_$((i-1)).paf
	racon YOUR-READS.fastq read-contig_$((i-1)).paf contigs_$((i-1)).fasta > contigs_$((i)).fasta

Now you get the assembly of genome from your reads.

4. Structural variant detection

4.1 Alignment using NGMLR

ngmlr -x ont -t 24 -r ref.fa -q input.fastq -o output.sam

4.2 SV detection with Sniffies

samtools sort -T output/tmp -o sorted.bam output.sam
sniffles -m mapped.sort.bam -v output.vcf