
Angular implementation of the Hacker News data hosted on firebase.

Primary LanguageApacheConfMIT LicenseMIT

Hacker News App

Using the api that Hacker News provides I built a simple service that fetches all the stories available, with some limitations of course. A working example lives on codepen. Note: the example may differ slightly from the source as I had to slim it down and add a few things for display.

Clone / Install / Serve

do these steps to run the project

> git clone https://github.com/yapalexei/hacker-news.git
> cd hacker-news
> npm install
> bower install
> grunt serve

One thing to not is are a few key mappings that one could use.

leftArrow     Go to previous story category.
rightArrow`   Go to next story category.
Esc           Return to main menu.