
A repository of the projects that were noteworthy enough to be mentioned but not self-contained or large enough to have their own repository.

Primary LanguageJava


A repository of the projects that were noteworthy enough to be mentioned but not self-contained or large enough to have their own repository.

Why not just upload the entire backup of all the files related to my degree?

I initially thought about just uploading my entire degree archive as-is but decided against this for several reasons.

  • It's organized by year then by module and that's about it, there's everything from revision files to lecture slides in there and not all of it is code.
  • It contains private information or proprietary code that I am not allowed to publish on GitHub
  • It contains exam/assessment solutions that I am not allowed to publish on GitHub.

So what's in this repository?

After realizing that no one would bother sifting through 3 years worth of data, I decided to sift through it myself and select the parts I wanted to highlight.

Following this I organized and sanitized the data to highlight the skills demonstrated by the completion of these courseworks.

Lastly, I had to go through everything to make sure that nothing the university provided (course specifications etc) was still present and nothing I wasn't allowed to upload was present (exam/assessment solutions)

Can I run these files?

In theory, everything here should work, as they are "submission-ready" but a lot of this is environment-sensitive, meaning that it will take some effort to get it working for any particular environment.

What exactly is in these folders?

The folders are named following the schema of <module_name> - <coursework_summary>. The summary should give a general idea of what the project is about and what skills it demonstrates.