
Public repository for the source code for yaqinhasan.com

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome to the source code of yaqinhasan.com

This is the current repository for the source code for yaqinhasan.com. The previous repository containing abandoned approaches and alpha versions has been made private and deprecated to avoid confusion.

CSS Tree

Most sites have one gigantic styles.css file, I didn't want to do this because, while this does improve site performance by reducing HTTP GET requests, this makes the development process much more tedious.

Having the css split into global and page files means that you can change the css for global components (found on one or more pages) and page components (found in a certain html page) separately.

Additionally, having separate files means that each file is actually manageable and reduces the amount of code repetition, incentivizing shorter class names, increased used of polymorphism and code modularity.

Lastly, once the site is done (or in a release stable state), there is a chance of me integrating some pre-deployment processing, using CS and JavaScript aggregators to make a single styles.css and main.js for deployment.

JavaScript documentation (because I will definitely forget)

How the site handles cross-page shortcuts

So a common user flow is to go from one page to specific point in another, this becomes a problem because the site has a lot of collapsible elements that are closed by default. So there needs to be a way for the one page to communicate to the other that the specific element it is redirecting to needs to be opened when the user gets there. Ideally, this would also only happen when the user uses this link, and not in any other cases. (no permanence)

How this is implemented:

functions within shortcutsHandler.js:

  • gotoElement(<element_id>) is for local shortcuts (same page), where the collapsible being linked to is opened and scrolled to.

  • openPageElement(<page_name>, <element_id>) is for the source page to call.
    For example pageA.html will call openPageElement('pageB', 'element0') and a sessionStorage item will be created to store the information that pageB_element0_opened should be true.

  • handleShortcuts(<page_name>) is for the destination page to call (or more accurately, be bound to onload).
    For example pageB.html will have a file called pageB.js which has a function pageBShortcuts() that calls handleShortcuts('pageB').
    handleShortcuts(<page_name>) will then go iterate through session storage and try to match the page_name with an _opened item in sessionStorage.
    Then it will extract the element_id from it and try to open the corresponding element. It should then finish off by deleting the sessionStorage item.

The rest of this readme file is just notes for where I can get the resources used in the site.