- 4
- 3
Parallelize product searches
#143 opened by KJ7LNW - 0
Potentially inaccurate discontinued tag
#144 opened by ducky64 - 1
#141 opened by dimembermatt - 0
- 2
Test site for new features
#122 opened by dougy83 - 0
FR: Filter Available Categories (Grease/Tampermonkey Script Included Proof Of Concept)
#138 opened by sleemanj - 0
sort by selected "Table column" doesn't seem to work
#135 opened by KJ7LNW - 4
sqlite3.OperationalError: database or disk is full
#132 opened by Bouni - 3
feature request: download ecad models
#130 opened by KJ7LNW - 1
- 1
feature request: make sticky properties
#131 opened by GarryG - 1
- 1
FR: Ranged attribute selection via min/max filter
#126 opened by dougy83 - 3
feature request: cvs export
#125 opened by koendv - 1
- 0
Subcategories shouldn't belong to a single category
#119 opened by dougy83 - 0
- 3
Update components makes a lot of requests
#109 opened by dougy83 - 0
Parts with no datasheet still show a link
#105 opened by brianbienvenu - 2
make a woo-commerce plugin
#112 opened by danyhm - 2
Filter Basic and Extended parts
#110 opened by besi - 2
- 6
Preferred extended parts - free assembly
#95 opened by maksz42 - 0
- 2
Propertiy names should be cAsE inDEpenDeNT
#86 opened by ADonut - 2
- 3
[BUG] Computed price incoherent display
#56 opened by eiffel31 - 1
Failing to buildtables due to a typo in C3606553
#94 opened by oomlout - 3
Docker - YAML file
#96 opened by CzarnyLewis - 6
question: cache.sqlite3
#93 opened by ole00 - 2
Stock is not displayed
#92 opened by muhlpachr - 1
Add filters for price and stock
#90 opened by noonien - 3
weird component selection issue
#91 opened by raspico - 0
FR: allow a comma separated list (or other UI way) to select a list of LSCS part#, to allow easy property comparison
#89 opened by netweaver1970 - 2
- 2
Filter Idea
#85 opened by immortal-sniper1 - 3
- 6
No stock number and missing components.
#73 opened by UniversalChaos - 7
Update component database fail
#78 opened by ElliotCui97 - 1
Wrong category of components
#65 opened by maksz42 - 2
Where did you get access keys?
#77 opened by reverofevil - 0
Show number of components matching a property
#76 opened by yaqwsx - 0
Show number of components in a category
#75 opened by yaqwsx - 3
Stock disappeared
#74 opened by vtpgit - 1
- 3
- 1
Key and secret for lcsc
#61 opened by themindfactory - 2
[BUG] Quantity error: extra 0
#55 opened by eiffel31 - 3
Avoiding blacklist
#57 opened by eiffel31