
This is a mini project that represents an REST API that communicates with SF API in order to get and treat data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a mini project that represents a REST API that communicates with Salesforce API in order to get and treat data from SF.

Technologies used:

nodejs, expressjs, jsforce, nodemon Just run "nodemon Server.js" in order to execute the code

Exercices done with their Endpoints

  • task 1: Fetch a given candidate using their ID. /myapi/candidate/:candidateID'
  • task 2: Add new candidate with my data. /myapi/candidate
  • task 3: Edit Last_Name of a given candidate. /myapi/candidate/:candidateID
  • task 4: Get all candidates. /myapi/candidates

Exercices not done

  • task 5, 6, 7

Extra exercices (Task 8)

  • Check the users connection information: /myapi/candidateExpert/
  • Delete a candidtae given their ID : '/myapi/candidate/:candidateID'
  • Fetch all candidates with more than 3 years experience :

Clarification on the tests [edited]

I used soljit credentials in order to access to SF programmatically.

Link to the code execution: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Uyfc4uyPez2XCbADCAkit3z7ZyVNA6qz

(As i couldnt authentificate the SF user provided by Soljit, i used my own SF user credentials that i created with a dev edition. Knowing that the Candidature__c object is not available in my SF account, i used the Account object in order to test my Endpoints and the logic of my solutions.)