
Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Main class is CrawlerApp, allows to invoke the crawler from command line.

Crawler is a singleton, root actor of the application, it is watched by Terminator that shuts down JVM when Crawler stops.

There are 3 important actors that do the actual work:

  • Fetcher is a singleton asynchronously performing HTTP requests using Akka Http Client and Akka implementation of Reactive Streams
  • Parser is a singleton asynchronously extracting links from page HTML using JSoup
  • Filer creates file path corresponding to the url and saves page to disk, by default into ./data directory

Each of these actors have different dedicated executors (thread pools) that suit the task of the actor, sandbox it, and can be independently tuned.

Crawler coordinates all the work:

  • it receives urls that need to be visited
  • it checks that url hasn't been processed, or is being processed, or already enqueued for processing
  • it creates PageHandler actors to process the url
  • it tracks the lifecicle of PageHandler actors - in progress, success or failure
  • it limits the number of active PageHandler actors by enqueuing urls when the threshold is exceeded, then by processing enqueued request after another PageHandler reaches a terminal state (success/failure).
  • it outputs the result ratios
  • holds the reference to Fetcher and Parser that it passes to PageHandler actors

PageHandler is responsible for the work on a single link:

  • it checks if the link has already been processed in a previous Crawler run, with the help of PageCache actor, and also validates if the resut is recent or needs to be re-fetched
  • it limits the time for page processing, stoping itself if that time has been exceeded
  • it communicates with Fetcher sending the requests and receiving its response
  • it saves the downloaded HTML to a file on the disk using Filer
  • it handles different response codes including following redirects (but limiting the number of times request is redirected)
  • it sends response body to the Parser, asynchronously receiving back all the links
  • it calculates the ratio of same-domain links to total links
  • it knows the depth of the page, and max depth for crawling, so it sends the extracted links to its parent, the Crawler, for further handling if max depth hasn't been exceeded
  • it stores the result using PageCache


Handles requests asynchronously, returning response bodies.

All requests are pipelined through a flow that consists of the following elements:

  1. Queue, to buffer requests when Http Client backpressures
  2. Create HTTP request, including appropriate headers
  3. Group of host-based http connection pools (Akka's "super-pool")
  4. Basic classification of the response by status code and content type
  5. Extract response body and return it to sender

The flow tracks sender of each request by using a pass-through context


  • Since JSoup is synchronous, Parser invokes it asynchronously for each page
  • it filters links to include only http(s) ones
  • it sends them back one-by-one to allow better asynchronous processing of the links


Saves files into configured directory. Since it uses IO, it sits on a dedicated blocking-io executor.


Using akka-persistence module this actor saves messages it receives and can re-play them when re-started. In order to be able to do it, the actor needs a unique persistenceId - Hashids library is used to generate id from url. When page is processed, the result is sent to PageCache and persisted to the journal. Whenever PageCache is created, akka-persistence will look for the journal with the id, and send the messages in the journal to the actor allowing it to recover the last state. In the meantime messages to the actor are stashed and the actor will receive them after the state was recovered.

LevelDB plugin is used for persistence and Kryo plugin is used to serialize/de-serialize the state. By default, journal and snapshot are stored as sub-dirs of current directory.


Log file is written to current directory, summary of Metrics will be reported in the log when Crawler terminates. Environment variables can be used to configure some of the behavior: MAX_PAGES_IN_FLIGHT, FETCH_QUEUE_SIZE, SAVE_DIR, CHECK_PAGE_MODIFIED_AFTER, PAGE_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT.

Further improvements

  • Tests!!!
  • Respect robots.txt